Interview 6 with Devatma Saraswati | Kundalini Chakras Nadis Tattvas | Yoga Teacher at Tripura Yoga

 Published On Feb 16, 2022

In Sankrit Chakra means: “wheel, disc or any arrangement in circular form or organization". Chakras introduce movement, because they transform psychophysical energy into spiritual energy.

The Chakras are called: "psychic centers of transformation that enable one to move toward an enlightened state of being". The roots of the knowledge about chakras are of ancient origin, but this knowledge is still functionally practical today.

Psychophysical energy is electrochemical in nature and it works with the help of Prana. Prana is "the vital life force energy" that creates life.
Prana is distributed throughout the body by Nadis, channels of energy. The Nadi transport system belongs to the Subtle body and the Chakras are connected to the main Nadi of this system, the Shushumna, which operates within the vertebral (spinal) column.

Chakras are active at all times, whether we are conscious of them or not. Energy is influenced by the 5 Elements or Pancha Tattvas: water, earth, fire, air, and akasha. It moves through the chakras, producing different psychic states. These 5 elements (Tattvas) are constantly moving with the breath inside the body and influencing one’s temperament. It is possible with training to observe oneself and see energy moving through these various psychic centers.

Knowledge about the psychic centers can be a valuable key to introspection. We are going through mental fluctuations that arise from a constant interaction between the mind, intellect, ego and the world outside. Yoga Sutra, Patanjali says: "To control these mental fluctuations is Yoga". This is only possible by controlling Prana.

That enables one to divert Prana and activate ones dormant spiritual energy, Kundalini. In a dormant state it's visualized as a snake coiled up in the base of the spine in Muladhara Chakra, Root Chakra.

When a Sadhaka or practitioner of Yoga starts activating the Kundalini energy through various kinds of pranayamas, the Nadi system is vitalized. The energy moves upward in Sushumna and passing through each of the six lower chakras to reach the seventh, the Sahasrara Chakra. This progress is know as Kshata Chakra Bhedana: "piercing of the six Chakras". The release and ascent of the dormant spiritual energy enables the aspirant to transcend the effects of the elements. We achieve the nondual consciousness that brings liberation from Maya: "the ever changing world of illusion".

If you want to learn more join the most Transformational Trainings with Devatma Saraswati. For more details visit: or

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