Upper Chakras are Important!
RadiantReikiWithCarol RadiantReikiWithCarol
274 subscribers

 Published On Nov 4, 2023

This video talks about why chakras are important. They are energy centers for your front (output) and back (input) of your body. The front chakras are how we interact with the world. They are our output to the world and the back chakras are our input from the world. Any negative past experiences that are being stored will most likely end up in our back heart chakra. This may have a negative impact on our relationships.

It’s important to keep all chakras cleared and open so that we are at our emotional best. When one or more of our chakras are blocked, or overactive, this will affect how we are coping with our life’s situations and the people in our lives. Healthy chakras mean healthy boundaries and healthy self-esteem. Blocked or overactive can mean the opposite.

There are varying degrees of a blocked chakra. It can be partially blocked or fully blocked. Today’s video talks about the upper chakras; Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra.

If you find any of your chakras may be blocked or overactive, you can get a Reiki healing from me or any other type of Energy Healer. Sound Healing also works. The video also talks about things you can do at home to open and clear your chakras. So keeping your Chakras cleared and open is so important for your emotional health!

🦋 Visit radiantreikiwithcarol.com to book a distance Reiki session. You can book in-person sessions if you're in the greater San Diego area!

🦋 Email me to learn more about joining my Reiki Level 1 class!
[email protected]

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