Growing Standard Dwarf Bearded iris allows you to enjoy the iris blooms about three weeks earlier.
Be strong mom Be strong mom
194 subscribers

 Published On May 9, 2024

Hello everyone, today's video mainly introduces a plant called standard dwarf bearded(SDB) iris, which is a perennial plant that is hardy in zones 3-9. By the way, I will introduce the names of plants that bloom around the same time.Such as, Late blooming tulips, Tree peonies, Columbines,
Creeping phlox, Bleeding hearts, Alliums, Dogwood, Lilacs and European snowball viburnums...

Standard Dwarf Bearded(SDB) iris
(Iris ‘Fairy Fireworks‘)

Beautiful blooms, Standards white ground stitched purple,
wide grape-purple edge; style arms purple;
falls white, grape purple edge; beard light blue tipped red-orange, light blue at end; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance.
Mature Height: 8-16 inches
Light: Full Sun
Soil: any well-drained.
Intermediate and Border Bearded Iris grow about 16-27 inches. Tall Bearded Iris grows 28-48 inches tall.
Bloom time for each variety lasts approximately two weeks, depending on the weather.
When the tulips in my garden begins to fade, the standard dwarf bearded (SDB) irises start to bloom around the end of April here in USDA 5b. These are great with later blooming tulips. Then the columbines, tree peonies and alliums...bloom one after another. When the SDB irises fade, the tall bearded irises start to bloom . The idea is to plant different varieties of plants blooming at different time. This makes my garden have some plants blooming continuously from the early spring to late autumn.
For Iris to bloom consistently, they need full sun, good drainage, lots of space, and quality soil. To improve your chances of bloom, add fertilizer and divide large clumps.
If you like irises, like their beautiful flowers and low maintenance, you can consider standard dwarf bearded (SDB ) irises as you can add about three weeks to the beginning of your irises blooming season . Once SDB iris flowers slowly fade away , it is about the time for TB irises to bloom . There are some TB irises bloom early and some of them bloom late, so try some of each variety to extend your blooms a week or two. Then you will enjoy a longer iris bloom season.
Happy gardening, my friends.💓💓💓

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