Dark Energy Does Not Exist: The JWST Confirms That There Was Something Terrifying Before...
TheSimplySpace TheSimplySpace
856K subscribers

 Published On Sep 26, 2024

We have a concrete idea of how the universe unfolded from an original singularity 13.8 billion years ago, and how the first stars, galaxies and black holes were formed - but what actually happened before the Big Bang? Well, Stephen Hawking answered this question with a decisive nothing - after all, time also only began with the birth of the cosmos. However, some researchers have a slightly different conviction in this regard: Because in truth, the Big Bang was by no means the beginning of everything - but merely one of countless Big Bangs that are still occurring to this day! Conversely, this also means that our universe by no means embodies the big picture - but merely a tiny link in an infinite chain of universes! But is there any real evidence that makes this assumption more than just an exciting theory? Yes, there actually is: the James Webb telescope has recently recorded a discovery that suggests the almost unbelievable conclusion that our world is currently merging with other universes!

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