Marriage Anger and Blame

 Published On Jul 26, 2023

In this week's New Science of the Nafs Podcast lesson, we take a closer look at the tools required to tackle the common issue of anger and blame in marriages, and create love, mercy and compassion.

If you find yourself constantly consumed by the crisis between you and your spouse, always questioning why it's so challenging or why they don't behave in a way that makes the marriage easier, then this podcast is for you.

We dive into one of the key foundations that I teach in the Nafs Coaching School, and people save their marriages, transform their lives, and they love the journey.

You're going to love it too.

Before we dive into the topic, we're excited to announce the upcoming Marriage Made in Jannah masterclass next month.

It’s a framework designed to help you build a relationship you love, overcome obstacles, and make your marriage work, even if you've tried everything else without success.

Go to  to sign up and join us on this transformative journey.

Marriages struggle because of the disconnect that most husbands and wives have. And it's exacerbated by the fact that we blame each other for what's really happening.

We go into thoughts or at times even say things like, “It's your fault. If you did this, then I wouldn't have to feel like this. And I wouldn't have to behave this way.

It becomes this never-ending vicious cycle of whose fault it is and just shifting the blame from one person to the other.

Most people can actually overcome it. They just don't realise how. We get so caught in trying to allocate responsibility and blame, that we actually never get to weed out the problem.

So I want you to know that you can actually change it, the minute you decide there's a possibility for change. But you can't change the other person.

We often assign blame to others for making us feel a certain way, but in reality, we interpret their behaviour based on our own emotions.

The solution is taking total emotional leadership.

When you learn emotional leadership, you stop feeling triggered by other people.

You stop reacting to other people because they no longer have control of your emotions. They no longer make you feel anger or anxiety or fear that things will go wrong.

Emotional leadership is when you are willing to overcome every mental and emotional obstacle that stops you from having a good life.

To keep this short and sweet, you can solve your marital problems, but you can't solve them by changing your husband or your wife.

Emotional leadership is a key way that we take control.

You can change your marriage, I know that you can resolve it.

I know that even if you've tried everything, you certainly haven't tried the Science of the Nafs, which is Revelation-based.

When you do that, it changes your marriage, it changes your life!

What You’ll Learn in this Podcast:

How to embrace emotional leadership despite the other person’s behaviour. 

The danger of disconnection in your marriage.

Real solution to marriage transformation and change from within.

Mentioned on the Podcast:

• Podcast - Marriage Anger and Blame
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• Mind Health & Relationship training (Free) 
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