What are the Dangers of Enochian Magic?

 Published On Dec 19, 2021

*** see    • Conclusion to Book of Galactic Light:...  

They say there are two interrelated dangers: 1) Enochian magic works and 2) Enochian magic brings up your unresolved issues. Our world is in need of assistance and therefore I invite you to consider the dangers of not engaging your full self in working with the dangers of our current consensus reality

📖🌠🌌💖 Book of Galactic Light
The Book of Galactic Light, also known as Liber Lux Galactica, is a collaboration between me and celestial beings, which you may recognize as angels, light beings, or extra-terrestrial or extra-dimensional (ET/ED) entities. I was guided to perform a ritual before the winter solstice of 2021.

The Book of Galactic Light discusses Unity Consciousness, contact with ET/ED entities, the dream-like nature of our reality, and portals of ascension. It is an invitation to you to initiate yourself in your own inherent magical capacities so that you may invoke the New Earth and bring forth the Galactic Golden Age.

The ritual was first presented to the Renaissance scholar and magus John Dee in the 16th century by celestial or angel beings that he invoked through prayer. Both his and my purpose for communicating with angels is to heal the division in our worlds. I pray that this work be of benefit to you, especially in your deeper embodiment of peace, love, and unity consciousness here and now on Earth.

These rituals are often called Enochian Magic or the Enochian Apocalypse Working. As far as I can tell (this material is very complex and sometimes shrouded in mystery), the ritual involves: 1) construction of a temple space, 2) the ritual chanting of English and Angelic language, and 3) interaction with celestial beings through scrying.

The Book of Galactic Light, as presented on YouTube, consists of video records of my own chanting and visionary experience. The ritual videos include views of the magic mirror, used as a focal point in scrying, as an invitation for you to have your own visionary experience.

I invited the celestial beings to communicate with us through a set of radios, often shown in the ritual videos. This invitation was set up using the CE-6 or Radio Contact methodology, which implies that when one of the radios lights up, we can conclude that anomalous or paranormal activity may be occurring and that it may be the communication of celestial beings.

As a hypnotist, I am very familiar with recording trance states, which I may or may not share depending on the experience. I share these videos because I was directed to by the celestial beings who want to be acknowledged as collaborators.

The ritual is complex and rather strange, but has beauty and power. I would recommend starting with the Preface, then Initiation, and then each ritual in order from 1 to 30. When you have questions, check in the Appendix to see if it's answered already or send me an email at [email protected] or comment below and I’ll do my best to respond.

Introduction & Ritual Videos:
   • Book of Galactic Light - A Ritual Inv...  

Appendix (questions and topics):
   • Book of Galactic Light - Appendix  

🏛️ About Cosmic Dream Sanctuary 🏛️
An Asclepion healing dream temple of the Galactic Age. The sacred space of dreams is held within the hearts and minds of all beings. In this Cosmic Dream Sanctuary space, we honor and explore our dreams as paths to a greater reality. We understand dreams as pathways to embody deeper peace, love, and unity consciousness in our waking life.

This channel focuses on Galactic aspects of consciousness through discussion and education about ET contact, psychic development, and the greater reality of experience.

Daniel Rekshan (channel guide) holds an MA in East-West Psychology, BA in Philosophy of Math and Science, and certificates in hypnotherapy and quantum healing. He is ordained in the Universal Life Church, an ecumenical organization, and offers his hypnosis, dream, and spiritual counselling services as a ministry through Cosmic Dream Sanctuary.

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