How A.I. Is Producing Viral Videos I Dr. Sam Khoze with Eben Pagan
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 Published On Premiered May 7, 2024

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A.I. roboticist, film producer and Hollywood humanoid agent, Dr. Sam Khoze, discusses his innovative work merging artificial intelligence with robotics and cinema. He shares his creative prompting and ethical insights on how to collaborate with this emerging “intelligence” in the realms of content creation and the entertainment industry. Dr. Khoze also offers a glimpse into the future of A.I., predicting radical shifts that are about to redefine how you interact with technology in EVERY area of your life!


0:00 - What’s emerging for the utilizing generative A.I. in creative spaces, focusing on collective intelligence and creative collaboration.

3:08 - Exploration of how A.I. is used in personal scenarios, and how it is impacting quality of life compared to past technological advances.

6:08 - Dr. Khoze emphasizes the importance of a human-centric approach in A.I. development and the potential misunderstandings about “the machines”.

9:04 - Casting the first autonomous A.I. robot actor, plus insights into the groundbreaking project that is changing Hollywood forever.

14:19 - How A.I. is rapidly transforming content creation and the ethical considerations we MUST be attentive to in creative fields.

20:31 - LIVE DEMO: Transforming Elon Musk into Superman using generative A.I.

28:16 - Predictions about the future human-A.I. society that’s emerging, including its integration with AR, media and content generation, and its ethical implications.

37:12 - Advice for business owners on how to efficiently, ethically and legally use generative A.I. to enhance their business operations.

41:22 - Dr. Khoze emphasizes the importance of learning content creation skills across various media to stay relevant in the future A.I.-enhanced world.

A.I. Researcher & Roboticist | Dr. Sam Khoze is a respected A.I researcher, holding a Doctor of Medicine degree, a Postgraduate in Marketing Analysis from MIT, and a Master's in Artificial Intelligence from the University of York. He is known for his cutting-edge research, innovative approaches, and focus on Bio-Inspired Communicative A.I., and renowned for his contributions to the integration of artificial intelligence with robotics to enhance human-machine interaction. He has developed an advanced social robot series and has been instrumental in pioneering efforts that bridge the gap between technology and practical applications in cinema and beyond.

Hollywood Humanoid Agent | Dr. Khoze has been at the forefront of introducing robotic actors into the film industry, and represents some of the world's most advanced and intelligent robots. He has achieved the distinction of being the first to cast and train “Erica”, Hollywood's first fully autonomous artificially intelligent entity in a Motion Picture. His innovative approach not only challenges traditional film production techniques but also opens new creative possibilities in storytelling and character development.

Film Producer | Dr. Sam Khoze has made groundbreaking strides in the fusion of artificial intelligence with the cinematic arts, notably with his production of "Genesis” - one of the first viral videos crafted entirely using Generative A.I. tools. This film, which explores a post-apocalyptic world shaped by artificial intelligence and robotics, showcases his innovative approach to storytelling and his vision for the future of film.

* A.I. & Robotics: Dr. Khoze discusses his pioneering work in merging artificial intelligence with robotics, particularly in the context of human-robot interaction and the film industry.

* A.I. in Creative Processes: The use of generative A.I. in various creative domains, including film production, where artificial intelligence is leveraged for crafting narratives and even generating entire films.

* Ethics & Governance of A.I.: Ethical concerns related to A.I. use, such as the implications of generating content with A.I., ethical data use, and the need for developing robust regulatory frameworks for A.I. across industries.

* The Future of A.I. Technology: Predictions and speculations about the future developments of A.I., including potential advancements in AI becoming more integrated into everyday human activities - including enhancing human capabilities and quality of life.

* Prompt Engineering & A.I. Communication: The art and science of prompt engineering in A.I. interactions, focusing on how to effectively communicate with A.I. systems to achieve desired outcomes.

* A.I's & Content Creation: Exploration of A.I.'s capabilities in generating diverse forms of content, from text to images and videos, and the implications for creators and businesses.

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