Dangerous Straits: Wargaming a U.S.-China Conflict over Taiwan | CNAS 2022 National Security

 Published On Jun 21, 2022

In a special collaboration with NBC’s Meet the Press, The Gaming Lab at CNAS executed a strategic-operational wargame examining a how a potential war with China over Taiwan could unfold in 2027. The wargame, featured as an episode of Meet the Press Reports, sought to highlight the dilemmas U.S. and Chinese policymakers might face in a future conflict. The aim was to identify how the United States and its allies and partners could deter China from invading Taiwan and prevent a war while still positioning themselves to defend Taiwan and defeat China’s aggression should deterrence fail.

Participants of the game representing both the China and U.S. teams joined this panel to discuss why they made certain choices and highlight their lessons learned from the wargame and what it means for U.S. defense policy.

Featuring: Chuck Todd, Gen. Mike Holmes (Ret.), Bonny Lin, Stacie Pettyjohn, Rep. Mikie Sherrill, Becca Wasser, and Joel Wuthnow.

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