[Lesson 6] Yr 13 to Yr 3 After Hijrah: The Life of The Prophet in Years by Shaykh Abu Hakeem Bilal
Muwahhideen Publications Muwahhideen Publications
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 Published On Nov 5, 2022

04.09.2022 - The Year Of The Hijrah To The 3rd Year After Hijrah

[03:04] Allāh gave the initial permission for the companions of the messenger ﷺ to migrate from Makkah to Madīnah.
[04:12] 1 A.H. The hijrah of ʿUmar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb
[04:31] The unauthentic story of what is commonly narrated about ʿUmar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb's hijrah
[08:35] 1 A.H. Muḥammad ﷺ is given permission to make hijrah.
[10:20] ʿAlī volunteered to take the place of The Messenger ﷺ in his home.
[11:35] The kuffār of Quraysh ambushed the house of the messenger of Allāh ﷺ and found ʿAlī in his bed instead
[12:19] The kuffār pursued The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ & Abū Bakr Aṣ-Ṣiddīq
[12:51] The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ & Abū Bakr took up residence in a cave in Mount Thawr in Makkah
[16:26] The companions in Madīnah were anxiously waiting the arrival of The Messenger ﷺ
[17:08] They saw The Messenger ﷺ arriving with Abū Bakr Aṣ-Ṣiddīq
[19:04] The Messenger ﷺ was welcomed by the Anṣār and the Muhājirūn.
[21:43] 1 A.H. the establishment of Masjid Qūbá
[21:48] The Messenger ﷺ established the 1st Masjid, Masjid Qūbá.
[23:28] The munāfiqūn built a masjid to oppose Masjid Qūbá [23:49] called Masjid Al-Dirār and Allāh prohibited the messenger of Allāh to pray in it.
[25:40] Masjid Qūbá the 1st Masjid built in Islām.
[26:44] 1 A.H. The establishment of Ṣalāt Al-Jumuʿah where Banū Sālim resided
[27:00] Masjid Al-Jumuʿah.
[28:13] 1 A.H. The Building of Masjid An-Nabawī.
[28:45] 1 A.H. ʿAbdullāh Ibn Salām accepted Islām.
[33:29] 1 A.H. ʿAbdullāh ibn ʿUbay Ibn Salūl became the leader of the Munāfiqūn.
[35:14] The migration of the household of Muḥammad ﷺ & Abū Bakr
[35:30] 1 A.H. Sawdah Bint Zamʿah migrated after The Messenger ﷺ
[35:56] 1 A.H. Zayd Ibn Al-Ḥārithah & his son Usāmah Ibn Zayd were part of the household of the Prophet ﷺ and made Hijrah.
[37:15] 1 A.H. The household of Abū Bakr made the migration from Makkah to Madīnah.
[38:00] 1 A.H. The 5 daily prayers given to Muḥammad ﷺ during the Isrá wa Al-Miʿrāj changed from 2 to 4 rakʿāh.
[38:09] 2 rakʿāh was retained for the one who is on a journey.
[38:26] 1 A.H. The 1st Births In Madīnah.
[38:45] 1 A.H. ʿAbdullāh Ibn Zubayr was the 1st child born from the muhājirūn and the 1st child that was born
[39:00] An-Nuʿmān Ibn Bashīr was the 1st born among Al-Anṣār
[39:13] 1 A.H. The 1st deaths of the companions
[39:36] The death of Kulthūm Ibn Al-Hadam & Asʿad Ibn Zurārah from the Anṣār.
[40:40] 1 A.H. Legislation of the Adhān
[41:23] 1 A.H. The pacts that took place between The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ and the Jews
[42:19] 1 A.H. The beginnings of the military expeditions of The Prophet ﷺ [42:32] The Ghazawāt (main battles) and the Sarāyah (raiding parties).
[46:18] The sarīyah of ʿUbaydah Ibn Al-Ḥārith
[46:28] 1 A.H. Towards the end of the year we had Mu’ākhār where the
Prophet ﷺ coupled one of the Muhājirūn with one of the Anṣār.
[48:12] 2 A.H. The the 1st battle that The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ physically took part in.
[49:04] 2 A.H. The 1st Battle Of Badr an initial smaller Ghazwat Al Badr
[49:10] Ghazwat Al- ʿUshayrah which followed it.
[49:49] 2 A.H. There were 6 Ghazawāt or military expeditions, and 5 Sarāyah.
[50:14] 2 A.H. The Messenger ﷺ received the command to change the Qiblah.
[54:51] The Qiblah was changed from Jerusalem to Makkah.
[55:19] The news of the changing of the Qiblah reached Masjid Qūbá and Masjid Qiblatain at the time of Fajr.
[55:46] The changing of the Qiblah happened at Masjid Qiblatain and Masjid Qūbá during the ṣalāh
[56:02] 2 A.H. The legislation of the 2 types of Zakāh, Zakāt Al-Fiṭr and Zakāt Al-Māl.
[56:21] 2 A.H. The fasting in Ramaḍān was legislated.
[56:45] 2 A.H. The first abrogation, in terms of the changing of the Qiblah.
[57:28] 2 A.H. The passing away of Ruqayah the daughter of The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ.
[58:19] 2 A.H. The first instance of the legislation of Ṣalāt Al-ʿEid in the outdoor muṣallāh.
[58:39] 2 A.H. The Battle of Banī Sulaym.
[58:55] 2 A.H. The remaining family members of The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ made the migration
[59:12] 2 A.H. The marriage of ʿAlī and Fāṭimah
[59:58] 2 A.H. The passing away of ʿUthmān Ibn Maẓʿūn
[1:01:10] 2 A.H. The first time animals were slaughtered after ʿEid Al- Aḍḥá.
[1:01:42] 3 A.H. There were 3 or 4 Ghazawāt and a number of Sarāyah.
[1:02:53] 3 A.H. ʿUthmān Ibn ʿAffān proposed to Umm Kulthūm another one of the daughters of The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ after the death of Ruqayyah
[1:03:20] The Prophet ﷺ married ʿUthmān to Umm Kulthūm
[1:03:28] 3 A.H. ʿUthmān Ibn ʿAffān received the title Dhū Nūrayn
[1:04:56] 3 A.H. The Messenger ﷺ married Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah
[1:05:12] 3 A.H. The birth of Ḥasan Ibn ʿAlī
[1:05:56] 3 A.H. The Battle of Uḥud.
[1:08:18] 3 A.H. The Battle of Ḥamrā’ Al-Asad.
[1:08:58] 3 A.H. The Messenger ﷺ married Zaynab Bint Jahsh
[1:09:12] 3 A.H. The revelation of the Āyāt of Ḥijāb.
[1:09:31] 3 A.H. Khamr was made ḥarām.
[1:09:55] Allāh revealed Āyāt prohibiting alcohol, gambling and divination.

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