ADDICTED TO HIS POISON [V2] (Addict × Poison) - But It's In Their Original Pitch
Ventrilo Quistian Ventrilo Quistian
69.7K subscribers

 Published On Feb 7, 2024

some people didn't like the pitchshift, so I changed it back to their original pitch. that's mostly it

V1:    • ADDICTED TO THIS POISON (Addict x Poi...  


ADDICT (feat. Michael Kovach and Chi-Chi) Silva Hound ►    • Silva Hound ft. Michael Kovach and Ch...  
POISON (Blake Roman, Sam Haft, Andrew Underburg) ►    • Poison (Lyric video) | Hazbin Hotel |...  

Legal Disclaimer: Credits to the original works go to their respective creators and record labels. For all intents and purposes, due to the non-monetized nature thereof, this mashup does not interfere upon the potential market the copyrighted work itself, and shall therefore fall under fair use as per §107 of the US Copyright Act of 1976.

#Addict #HazbinHotel #Poison #AngelDust #AngelDustHazbinHotel #SilvaHound #Vivziepop

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