Joseph Arthur Joseph Arthur
16.3K subscribers

 Published On Premiered Jun 23, 2023

I hope you enjoy this video looking into the magic of songwriting and the creative process in general.

The song featured here is available now


A thread about songwriting.

I had an inkling.

Inkling is defined as

a slight knowledge or suspicion; a hint.

I had an inkling that I should write about songwriting

As it’s something I’ve invested much of my life doing
I suppose it would be logical

But even as I say that I’ve spent much of my time writing songs

I don’t know that that’s even true

It’s more that I’ve spent much of my time being open to the songs floating by

Which brings us back to an inkling

My experience of songwriting or any creative act really

(But even more so with songwriting)

Is to follow the inklings.
Follow the hints
(Or the inspirations)

The thoughts that float by which seem insignificant
But then float by again
(Like whispers from a different realm)

Ideas and where they come from
Is as mysterious as the energy we have to pursue them

Or our willingness to be open to them

Songwriting therefore is a practice
Like any meditation

And the voices we pull from the ether
Tend to tell us things about this place

We couldn’t have otherwise known

They breath extra life in the life we are already living

And very often they predict the future
Like some kind melodic oracles that you capture
In the audio notes of your phone
And May never revisit again
or else we may end up building an orchestra around them.

The magic of songwriting
Is not only that it hinges on inklings
Or tiny inspirations

But also
It’s the only thing that combines words and melody

It’s the combination of words and melody
And I find that interesting…
To define it as such

A songs official definition is
a musical composition intended to be performed by the human voice.

So a song is also an invitation
To find our voice
The depth of our true voice maybe
In the
combination of words and melody

It’s A dancing prayer if you will

A demonic seance

A plea for sex

A mischievous rant

A kaleidoscopic journey

It’s the combination of words and melody that gives it all its power

The ability to bend words
To shift their meaning
Or accentuate their power

If you think about it
Words were always going to demand melody

Weren’t going to live their whole lives
Satisfied with just being spoken

For words themselves are so powerful
That they were going to need to find vehicles for their expression

Another mysterious and powerful force

And melody is even difficult to discuss

Because A melody just comes to you
Strumming chords and humming
Melodies fall from discussions in the sky
Between spirits that we are lucky enough to tap into from time to time

It’s nothing you can really write
From an analytical state of mind
It’s not a mental construct as much as a spiritual one

If one has difficulty believing in the spiritual realm or the realm of principalities

He need only consider melody
And try to explain its origins

Indeed for me songwriting is a spiritual practice
And can’t really be defined any other way.

Songwriting underlines the fact that there are worlds beyond this one

And that songwriting is in-fact a way to commune with such worlds

A way to pass notes back and forth with those principalities

To communicate with those worlds and share the evidence of those communications with others

But songwriting isn’t just magical healing and spiritual

It’s also dumb
Soulless and commercial

It has all the sides of life

It becomes what we bring to it

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