Pfizer COVID vaccine data hack - Anonymous

 Published On Dec 22, 2020

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Recently there has been a Pfizer data breach that has caused health care providers to lose valuable data including diagnosis codes, case numbers, and immunization schedules. This represents a serious breach of the security that is in place for the confidential personal data of every patient under the Pfizer umbrella. It should be common sense that any information about a human being who has consented to receive ongoing medical care should remain private, and that information should not be released without patient permission.

The problem, however, is that data that represents real patients' health care information is supposed to be protected. Private health care data cannot be shared unless it is authorized by a patient under law. A human resource management professional who ordered the Pfizer data breach did not take these principles into consideration. In their haste to gain a competitive advantage, they may have shared data that was not appropriate for their company.

Pfizer's legal counsel told me, "A Pfizer data breach does not involve any breach of the security of the information. If a client gives us information to us we comply with our client's legal requirements." However, I could find no legal justification for sharing this unadulterated information without authorization by the client. A licensed medical professional who knows that the code for an unapproved vaccine is not allowed to share this information knowingly could face criminal liability. And even in the face of a valid business reason, like reducing out of pocket expenses for patients who may be allergic to a known or potential allergens, sharing vaccine information without consent may subject the business owner to both civil and criminal liability.

There is a simple solution to this problem. A licensed healthcare professional can use his or her understanding of HIPAA to protect the confidentiality of vaccine data. In this day and age, many medical professionals are familiar with the privacy rules that govern health care information and do not want to violate the confidentiality of patient records. A virus has been known to spread from one person to another if it is properly transmitted. A health care professional who knows about the dangers of viruses but shares that information with other medical professionals may be liable for a HIPAA data breach.

It's possible that no antiviral was used in the Pfizer vaccine outbreak. It is also possible that a virus infected laptops at the business who shared these files with unauthorised persons. It is also possible that the virus caused all of the problems in one fell swoop, including loss of profits, forcing the business to shut its doors for good.

No matter what caused the antiviral software breach, there is no excuse for a business or an individual to make a data breach data. It is unethical and it is a crime. If you have any fear that a computer is infected with a virus, take action today to get your personal computer protected from the harm that can be caused by a virus.

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