Don't Own Darth Vader? TRY THIS! | Star Wars Unlimited

 Published On Apr 26, 2024

Don't have a playset of Devastators? Want to play Avenger now that control is getting more attention? Not enough money to pick up sets of Boba Fett or Darth Vader? Well look no further than right HERE to get the best replacements for these legendary villany units! In this episode we will be discussing the bets BUDGET replacement options for the legendary villany units! Now keep in mind, there are NO direct 1 for 1 replacements, that is almost impossible to do in a game with 1 set, otherwise these cards would not be as coveted as they are! Let me know what you think of my choices and let me know what YOU are personally using as budget legendary replacements!

Comment if you ever want to run some TTS or Webcam games, I'm always looking to get better!

00:00 - 01:25 Intro!
01:26 - 04:23 Devastator!
04:24 - 07:56 Avenger!
07:57 - 14:27 Boba Fett!
14:28 - 19:17 Darth Vader!
19:18 - 19:57 Outro!

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