Published On Premiered Nov 16, 2019
Happy Spooky Before Christmas ;)
Spooky Plushies -
Real Ending -
Fat Thief & Roy - Kellen Goff
-- / kellengoff
thin thief & John - Coffinjockey
-- / coffinjockey
Mom - Elsie Lovelock
-- / elsielovelock
Susie - Reina
-- / channel
Kevin & Jack - ElusiveVA
-- / elusiveva
-- / triforce625
Assist Animation
-- / soysangury
-- / alakamame
If you want to react to any video, make a youtube poop, remix, put it as a clip in one of your videos or "dub" it for your country is 100% ok for me, just put the credits in the description (links for the original video and channel), is not that hard, some of us want to let people know who is the creator.
and Please, DO NOT REUPLOAD OR MONETIZE A COMPILATION WITH ANY VIDEO, I really don't want to report.
If you have any doubts please let me know before using a video thank you.