Why Are People Trans?
Lily Alexandre Lily Alexandre
156K subscribers

 Published On Premiered Jun 23, 2023

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For 30 years, scientists have searched for a biological cause of trans identity... and haven't found much. Why do we want to find a cause, anyway – and how do we handle the questions science can’t answer?

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(Why are people trans?)
Ultrasounds & sex-selective abortion https://www.scientificamerican.com/ar...
Mara Hvistendahl, "Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men"
India's ban on sex screening https://shorturl.at/kmqxE
China's ban on sex screening https://shorturl.at/aiLNO

(What we're really asking)
Laura Erickson-Schroth, "Update on the Biology of Transgender Identity"
Rachel N. Levin & Laura Erickson-Schroth, "Biological studies of transgender identity: A critical review"
Milton Diamond, "Transsexuality Among Twins: Identity Concordance, Transition, Rearing, and Orientation"
Leslie Feinberg, "Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come" https://www.workers.org/books2016/Fei...
Zhaawano Giizhik on Ojibwe Two-Spirit history and identity (excellent page!) https://shorturl.at/bfwO6

(Creation myths)
T. L. Brink, Victoria Karalun, "Narratives: The Focus of 21st Century Psychology"
Jerome Bruner, "Actual Minds, Possible Worlds"
Richard Harries, "After the Evil: Christianity and Judaism in the Shadow of the Holocaust", pgs 38-47
Kalonymus ben Kalonymus ben Meir, "Prayer for Transformation" (excerpt from "Even Bohan") https://shorturl.at/dmKX3
Rachel Pollack, "Archetypal Transsexuality" (READ THIS!!) https://web.archive.org/web/200807051...

Further reading/viewing:
My video on Kentucky Route Zero and objective truth    • Finding Hope in Kentucky Route Zero  
Andrei Tarkovsky's movies "Solaris" and "Stalker"
Mao Zedong, "On Contradiction" https://www.marxists.org/reference/ar...
Carl Jung, "Commentary on 'The Secret of the Golden Flower'"
Aristotle's "four causes" https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ar...

Table of contents:
0:00 Gone, it's gone forever
1:09 Why are people trans?
6:43 What we're really asking
14:52 Creation myths
23:18 On trans divinity
26:47 Skillshare
27:47 Credits

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