Published On Jun 8, 2024
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The election results are out and Mr. Narendra Modi is going to be India’s Prime Minister for a third consecutive term. He’s the only PM after Jawaharlal Nehru to do so. As you know, I followed the developments closely and as a citizen, there are certain things I expect of my Prime Minister. So, this video is an open letter to the PM from a citizen where I discuss the things that India needs from him in the next five years, and the things India doesn’t.
Mohit Priyadarshi: / mohitprior
Nidheesh Manipal: / nidheeshmanipal
📊📈 Data Analysis:
Amey Mane: / ameymane09
Yash Vyas: / yashvyas24
CharanTej: / mograph.charantej
Utpal Singh Jadon: / utpalsinghjadon
Aditya Chowdhury : / infjt_me
Shreyas Jahagirdar: / shreyasnvids
🎨Thumbnail :
Aanchal Verma: / aanchal_creates
Dhruv Bambhaniya: / dhruvkumar_2920
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