SILVER SURFER: Journal of a 70 Year Old Surfer
Mumbo Mumbo
650K subscribers

 Published On Oct 12, 2019

Silver surfer crowd funding is NOW LIVE:

Our latest Mini Documentary follows Andrew Forrest, a 70 year old retiree who has been surfing since the age of 44. Every time he has been surfing, he has written a journal entry, starting from little notes between shopping lists, through to ranking systems, GPS watches and criteria for what makes the perfect session.

Jon Herbert has compiled a choice selection of the past 10 years of journal entries, and has compiled them into 'The Silver Surfer Journal' which is now in the crowd funding stage. Please do show your support for this project!

Silver Surfer Instagram:
  / silversurferjournal  

Jon Herbert Instagram:
  / jonlherbert  

Andrew Forrest Instagram:
  / goonlazefern  

Follow our Instagram to see Behind the scenes (And dogs)
INSTAGRAM:   / officialmumbo  

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