How to make a to-do list that works to manage life at home - workshop for moms

 Published On Apr 27, 2021

Get the free 5-day daily card challenge here:

This workshop is for you if
You feel like you don’t get anything done at home.
You have too much to do everyday.
You’ve tried planners, and they haven’t worked.
You are busy all day but not sure what actually happened.
You feel overwhelmed when you make lists.

What is a daily card?
post it note
index card
planner box
white board
calendar square

What is a task?
A task is a single action
If it takes multiple actions to accomplish, it is a project.
It has an action verb with you as the subject.
It’s one thing you can DO.

Step 1 - Brain Dump
There is a lot to do.
Ignoring it all isn’t a viable strategy.
Trying to do it all isn’t a viable strategy.
Write it all out. Write down everything you think you need to get done. Writing it out isn’t committing to it all; it’s a preliminary step.

Some things are more important than others, but until you see all the things, you won’t make good choices.

The daily card is small because our time & energy are limited.

Step 2 - Identify What Matters

Make your big picture priorities actionable.

Filter your to do list into a top three.
You will get more than three things done most days.
You need to know where your time is most wisely invested.
You need to deliberately put your time and energy where it matters most.
You need to “count” your priority actions.
To do lists are not for making extras happen.

Step 3 - Iterate
Iterate = make small adjustments as you learn what works (and doesn’t) for you.

When you don’t choose the right things:
Sometimes what we put on our top three is a guess.
Sometimes life unfolds new priorities.
Faithfulness and fruitfulness is the goal, not getting everything done.
Identifying what goes on the list is a skill to practice and learn.

When you don’t DO the right things:
We don’t always do what we ought.
We don’t always have the energy we thought we would.
Repent. Rejoice. Repeat.

Your daily card is a tool; using it is a skill.

Learn daily card best practices that work for a variety of women; this is no one-size-fits-all system.

Simply Convivial has guidance & accountability so you can be
faithful & fruitful instead.

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