Fostering Connections Between Science And Theology For Medical Track Muslim Students

 Published On Nov 3, 2022

Fostering Connections between Bioscience and Theology for Medical Track Muslim Students is a new project that II&M is launching in 2022 with the generous support of the John Templeton Foundation (JTF). We aim to help teachers and students gain conceptual literacy on some critical topics at the intersection between science and theology.

As Muslim students explore the biosciences, they may encounter difficult questions and wonder how their religious identity intersects with scientific discoveries: Does affirming scientific facts compromise religious beliefs? Does religion explain scientific findings? How can they navigate these domains constructively? We believe that conflicts are not inevitable, and that knowledge integration is possible and can shape stable professional identities in the future.

The project activities include:

Seminar series for high school seniors.
Designing of curriculum and instructional materials.
Implementation of professional workshops for teachers and college instructors.
Student essays and podcast

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