1CC #61: Knights of the Round (Arcade) - Normal 1CC Lancelot
obiiWan7 obiiWan7
348 subscribers

 Published On May 2, 2024

1 credit clear of Knights of the Round (Arcade) played on April 13th 2024. using FBNeo/Fightcade
Played on Normalx2 / default dipswitches (shown at the end)
Character used: Lancelot

No save states, no cheats, no turbo.

1CC challenge difficulty: 9/10 (difficult to rank properly due to certain things being luck based by design on top of the usual Capcom shenenigans).
One of the tougher beat 'em ups to beat solo, but absolutely the very best Capcom beat 'em up in my opinion. Learning how and when to block is a must in the later stages.
Big thanks to Asmanboss and Manticor5 for helping me with learning the game that quick with all the helpful tips and strats.

I did a manip trick to spawn a 1UP in stage 3, but I didn't go for any 2UPs and it was still enough to beat the game. Actually this try I might have even gotten a no death with a bit more luck. It was so close and I played super sharp through most of the run, but I just couldn't finish the hardest boss in the game (Muramasa) with 1 life only and the Tall Man situation in the final stage was so unlucky (I was a bit late to block in time and there were food items right after that).

0:00 Insert Coin
2:10 Stage 1: Village on fire
3:02 Boss 1: Scorn
3:58 Stage 2: Confused fight
6:56 Boss 2: Bradford
7:44 Stage 3: Battle at the castle fort
15:00 Boss 3: The silver emperror Arlon
16:44 Stage 4: Knights festival
17:50 Boss 4: Phantom
18:37 Stage 5: Expedition
22:00 Boss 5: Balbars
22:26 Stage 6: Knights in the strange land
27:34 Boss 6: Muramasa
29:05 Stage 7: Decisive battle at the king's castle
33:05 Mini Boss: Iron golem
38:16 The Final Conflict: Garibaldi
39:47 Ending

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