Sofia the First - The Fairy Way
Yeosan ™ Yeosan ™
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 Published On Mar 18, 2018

Sofia the First - The Fairy Way
"S04E20 - The Mystic Isles: Undercover Fairies"


[Sofia: But how could you fail the test? You're so strong and brave.]
[Chrysta: None of that matters when you're a fairy. It's not the fairy way.]

Growing up on the Fairy Isle
They say you're s'posed to flit around all day and smile
But there were tougher games I wanted to play
And that's not the fairy way
They told me that wasn't the way

Fitting in with the fairy crowd
I tried to join their picnic up upon a pink cloud
They didn't like the way I crashed their buffet

Other Fairies:
Hey, that's not The fairy way
No, Chrysta, that isn't the way

And then the pixie test with all the rest
I had hoped at last to bond
But I messed up with my frond
So I flunked and missed out on my wand

[Sofia: Well, maybe you failed the test once. But you won't this time. Because you're getting a fairy trainer. Me!]
[Chrysta: What do you know about fairies?]
[Sofia: You say they're all graceful and proper? Well, I go to princess school! I take classes in dance and etiquette...]
[Chrysta: Okay, okay, you've got the job. Let's do this!]
[Sofia: First lesson, don't crack your enchantlet when you're happy.]
[Chrysta: Right. Good coaching!]

It's not that hard to flit with a grin
Now that you've got a good friend here to help you fit in
So follow me just like you're dancing ballet
Chrysta, That's the fairy way

Sofia, you showed me the way

So starting from today
Oh, Chrysta, you found the fairy way

Hey! I guess They'll have to say

They'll have to say

I found it

Sofia and Chrysta:
You / I found the fairy way

Your fairy way
The fairy way

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