Jet Engine Fixes + Help me Decide on Something
driving 4 answers driving 4 answers
1.25M subscribers

 Published On Premiered Dec 10, 2023

EDIT: Massive thank you to everyone who participated. In hindsight the solutions look really obvious but as one of viewers pointed out "everything seems simple is hindsight". Thank you everyone for your kind words, input, feedback and support. I'll announce the sub-channel and the memberships soon :)

More EDIT: Yes turning the turbine wheel only fixes the turbine wheel and now the compressors would actually spin the wrong way if this was an actual working jet engine. I think the manufacturer made a mistake while 3D printing the wheels and printed something correctly but others as mirror images.

This video is a premiere not because I have something new and cool to show you but mostly because I would like to hear your opinion and feedback live on some things I have some doubts about. The first, shorter, part of the video, will address some of the issues with my Jet Engine explanation but the rest of the video will focus on ideas and plans for the near future where I hope you will join the conversation. The video is a bit long-winded (27min) and fully unscripted but it does get to the main point. To create a bit of a prelude, I am feeling trapped by the channel and have a strong need to produce different types of content from time to time, experiment and cover topics which I now feel are not suitable for this channel. So I was thinking about memberships and/or sub-channels as ways to do this, but I'm not yet sure what would make the most sense. I feel that I need to change the pace from time to time in order not to loose my passion for doing this. That's sort of the gist of it to get us started.
Hope to see you on the premiere and I'm really excited to chat live :)
Much love,

A special thank you to my patrons:
Brian Alvarez
Peter Della Flora
Dave Westwood
Joe C
Zwoa Meda Beda
Toma Marini
Cole Philips

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