How I Solve Life's Problems
Ben Hart Ben Hart
54.1K subscribers

 Published On May 6, 2024

My formula for solving life's biggest problems.
Crucial, is your mindset.

Here is the video about my divorce:
   • My Time in Jail From My Ugly Divorce  

Here's the story of my Laotian wife Wanda's escape from the Communists:
   • Video  

You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here:

You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom

Here are some other videos of mine that might interest you:
"How I Made $1.2 MILLION with 5 Days Work."
   • How I Made $1.2 Million With 5 Days Work  

How to Know If You Have a Winning Product or Idea"
   • How to Know if You Have a Winning Ide...  

"The Only Stock Market Trading Strategy You Will Ever Need"
   • Stock Market Strategy Video for My Kids  

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