Observing the changing Atmospheric Composition in the Anthropocene by John Burrows, Univ Bremen

 Published On Mar 3, 2020

Table of Contents (powered by https://videoken.com)
0:00:00 Introduction
0:02:01 [Talk: Observing the changing Atmospheric Composition in the Anthropocene from space and from aircraft]
0:04:36 The Growth of the World Population since the Holocene
0:06:46 World Atlas Projections: Area and Area Scaled to Population
0:08:05 The Earth has entered a new geological epoch: The Anthropocene
0:09:01 The Anthropocene
0:10:18 Glacial-interglacial limit cycle
0:10:42 Some Key Processes in the Atmosphere
0:11:58 Health effects of pollution
0:12:49 Why observe the Earth's atmosphere and surface from space?
0:14:30 SCIAMACHY Project - UV visible NIR SWIR Obervations: Target Constituents - Absorption and Scattering
0:15:55 European Tropospheric Trace Gas Observations from Space: hyperspectral solar spectral region - passive nadir sounding
0:17:26 LEO Early Morning, Afternoon and planned Geostationary - DOAS Instrumentation
0:18:20 Nadir Satellite Observation of key Short Lived Climate Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases
0:19:02 Anthropocene Motivational Issue Air pollution Air Quality Short Lived Climate Pollutants
0:19:57 Air Pollution SMOG: now a global phenomenon
0:20:53 Tropospheric NO2 and its Sources?
0:21:32 Tropospheric NO2 Trends : assumed linear
0:22:07 Tropospheric NO2: Changes in Asia
0:22:35 First IUP-UB Sentinel 5P Results: NO2
0:23:06 TROPOMI / S5P shipping NO2
0:23:16 SCIAMACHY SO2 Columns
0:23:22 GOME and SCIAMACHY SO2 over Central East China
0:23:44 Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) retrieved from reflectance at the top of the atmosphere 1998--2012
0:24:26 The next generation: Carbon monoxide CO from S5P
0:25:25 Peat fire emissions from WFMD/S5P CO on 18-Sep-2018
0:25:38 Anthropocene Motivational Issue Climate Change Long lived Greenhouse Gases
0:26:04 In 2006 CH4 began to increase after a decade of nearly stable concentrations - WHY??
0:26:36 Hemispheric and Global Dry Column of Methane XCH4: Why are growth rates changing?
0:27:05 Dry column of Methane 2018 from Sentinel5P: daily observations of XCH4 some sources
0:27:38 SCIAMACHY XCO2: First detection
0:28:18 Dry Column of Carbon dioxide, XCO2 : Growth and Growth Rates
0:29:24 Anthropogenic CO2 and NOx emissions (Reuter et al., 2014, nat. geosci.)
0:30:20 CO2 emissions: OCO-2 XCO2 & S5P NO2
0:31:24 From SCIAMACHY via CarbonSat to EU Copernicus CO2M
0:31:56 EMeRGe International
0:32:34 EMeRGe HALO
0:33:12 EMeRGe Scientific Objectives
0:33:21 Payload: Identifiers of sources and mechanisms
0:33:52 EMeRGe in Asia
0:34:02 EMeRGe Observations of MPC
0:34:43 Proxy Radicals
0:35:38 EMeRGe-Asia Flight 06 (20.03.2018)
0:36:24 Summary
0:36:46 Major population centres in Europe and Asia as sources for reactive nitrogen species:
0:37:17 Motivation
0:37:21 Aerosol emissions from megacities
0:37:31 Instrument C-ToF-AMS (Compact Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer)
0:37:39 Example: Taichung Power Plant, Taiwan
0:38:31 EMeRGe contribution to MPC state of art
0:38:43 Thank you very much for your attention!
0:39:13 Q&A

Full Title : Observing the changing Atmospheric Composition in the Anthropocene from space and from aircraft

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