Somehow, This Is The Worst Spongebob Movie Yet...
DazzReviews DazzReviews
538K subscribers

 Published On Aug 2, 2024

Yes Paramount has brought out yet another Spongebob Movie against the creator's wishes and this time it's a spin-off as well! SAVING BIKINI BOTTOM (a sandy cheeks movie) is a new take on a protagonist that puts Spongebob into the sidekick role, and gives everyone else shared screentime with humans on the surface world. And as the movies have slowly pulled us out of the water more and more, this time we've gone full on with most of the film taking place in Texas. Prepare to meet Sandy's relatives, strange texan villains, and easily the worst Spongebob villain of all time! As well as all sorts of other oddities that really didn't work. Somehow, This Is The Worst Spongebob Movie Yet...

#dazzreviews #SandyCheeksMovie #Spongebob #Review #SpongebobMovie #animatedmovies #Nickelodeon #Paramount #Discussion

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..And I thought it couldn't really go more downhill. Can't wait for the newly-announced Spongebob Movie 4...

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