How to Cook Perfect Omelet
GeoBeats Science GeoBeats Science
335K subscribers

 Published On Aug 11, 2011

Omelet Overcooked Outside and Undercooked Inside - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats.

Today I am going to talk about how to evenly cook an omelet. Sometimes it is overcooked on the outside, undercooked on the inside, and we do not want that to happen. So we want to cook it evenly. In order to do that, you want to start with an egg that is not cold. Cold eggs do not cook evenly, and also they make a tough omelet. So take your egg, put it in some warm tap water for a couple of minutes to warm it up. I have already done that.

You will take the egg, you will beat it up. You will add some salt and pepper to it, little bit of salt, little bit of pepper, and we will beat this up. And then we will cook it in a small, maybe 7 inch or so omelet pan or non-stick pan. We will heat the pan up first, then we will take it off the heat, we will spray it with some non-stick spray, add a little bit of butter to that, and then we will add the eggs. If you are putting other ingredients into your omelet, have them ready also. Eggs cook very quickly, and you do not want to be letting the eggs cook while you then go look for the cheese and then have to shred it or grate it or chop an onion and so on. So you want all of your ingredients all set and ready to go. Let's go to the stove.

So at the stove, I have warmed up my pan a little bit, because it expands as it heats up, I will spray a little bit of non-stick spray, add the butter, the butter is going to melt, you can see it melting all around. Fabulous! Love that sizzle. And then we will add our mixed eggs. And you can see it is starting to cook right around the edges already, which is a good sign. So once you start seeing it cook around the edges we will take a spatula and we will just push into the center so that the raw egg can go to the bottom of the pan and we keep doing that as the egg keeps cooking so that we cook evenly, all the way around. This is fun to do. Keep cooking!

Now remember you have all the other ingredients all set, ready to go, you are going to add maybe broccoli, zucchini, fresh oregano, or maybe some meat, some sausage or pepperoni, whatever. Now is a good time to add those ingredients when it is starting just to be a little bit wet around the surface and not completely cooked. So you sprinkle in whatever extras you would like to have at this point and we keep cooking. Just a little bit wet around. And so now we are ready to fold our omelet in half, take a bigger spatula and just get underneath, and fold it in half, like so. Let it keep cooking, and your filling in there might be melting, might be finishing the cooking process, and we want to make sure it is not sticking, so we give it a little bit of a shake, we know it is moving, so it will be very easy to get out of the pan. And then it just flips out real easily onto your plate. Voila!

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