Doomworld, its time to Quench Your Thirst... sooner or later
CyanTheGojiFan CyanTheGojiFan
129 subscribers

 Published On Apr 6, 2023

Hi, I'm CyanTheGojiFan. if you're familiar with my "videos" you may be thinking about where I've been for the short amount of time between now and... August. To make it simple, I've been busy with school and mental health, but during that time, I've been working on a doom megawad called "Quench Your Thirst" a full-on 30 (+2) megawad with weapon replacements and new enemies with silly amounts of humor. it uses complevel 21 (modders best friend)

the story goes as such

"...I haven't thought much of a coherent story yet"

doom world thread with pictures:

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