The Gateway Experience by Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync the CIA Process Explained Full Documentary Ep1.
Michael Superstar Michael Superstar
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 Published On Apr 26, 2024

First in a series of videos explaining the fundamentals of the Gateway Experience by Hemi-Sync.
The Gateway Experience is a set of 25 CDs or 50 audio files broken into 8 albums called waves that have been created to aid the mind explorer to help them achieve states of consciousness outside the limits of everyday monotony. In learning what The Gateway Process has, to teach you can achieve your best life only limited by you. By taking control of your estate in the realm of conscious reality you can achieve your own dreams. After all, to be awake is to be sleeping, and the conscious dream is your reality.

First before you get started it is best to know a little about the background of this groundbreaking system. After all it has been in the scientific field for over 50 years now.

Robert Monroe was a radio person that owned several stations. One of his hobbies was playing with audio sounds to see how they affect the human condition. While researching sounds’ effect on learning he stumbled across a scientific phenomenon. Through sound manipulation it was discovered that a particular set of sounds shortcut decades of study in the learning of how to overcome the spiritual abilities to escape the physical shackles of the sleeping nature of the consciousness of mankind. He did this in such a way as to attract the scientific field along with the CIA of the United States. In fact, the CIA requested Robert Monroe train some of its agents in the hopes that what they learned could be used for cases of national security. Unclassified reports exist detailing the functionality of the Gateway Experience and the Monroe method of meditation in achieving out of the body astral projection process. This is the process that would become known as the gateway experience tapes. Anyone with the desire and drive to achieve can easily change their life to become more then their physical body. All one has to do is listen to the tapes and follow the simply layer out meditation schedule.

How it works is anything but simple, however understanding how it works doesn’t have to be made over complicated. Sound effects stimulate brain synchronizing that activates the core brain alone with the 3rd eye also known as the pineal gland. The pineal gland is a part of your brain that when lit up will produce images and a connection to the universal construct of understanding and communication. Meanwhile the narrator mentally walks you through a series of steps to aid you in understanding the processes required to achieve conscious states of freedom.

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