Why you SHOULD NOT File ALL Your Unfiled IRS Tax Returns

 Published On Jun 5, 2013

Clients who have unfiled tax returns generally think they must file all of their unfiled tax returns. This is not correct.

The IRS generally doesn't even want you to file all your unfiled tax returns. It simply isn't necessary.

Accountants often make this mistake and it often ends up costing their clients thousands of dollars in unnecessary tax debt they wouldn't have had to have. So don't let an accountant talk you into filing all of them. Tax preparers often don't do this with any intent to hurt you, its just that they're ignorant. Also, they get paid for each tax return they prepare for you, so they simply tell you they need to prepare all of them. Please talk to a tax defense attorney first before this important decision is made.

Each year that you file that you didn't have to file increases the chances you will have an increased tax liability that you wouldn't have had if you'd handled it more correctly.

Clients who haven't filed all their tax returns before hiring us are surprised and happy when we tell them this. Clients who have filed all their tax returns before hiring us are shocked and angry - with their tax preparers for not knowing this important fact.

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