Alunir Meditations Alunir Meditations
122K subscribers

 Published On Premiered May 28, 2023

Hello !

In this video I listed positive and boosted affirmations to help you shift your reality faster and more efficiently.

These affirmations are best efficient listened to while sleeping, but can also be used during the day, or during your meditations//manifestation work.

They are looped to be over 3 hours.

Enjoy ~

What is reality shifting?

Reality shifting refers to the practice of using specific techniques or methods to shift one's consciousness from the current physical reality to a desired alternate reality or dimension. It involves entering a deeply relaxed state, often through meditation or visualization, and creating a detailed mental scenario or script of the desired reality. By immersing oneself in this imagined experience with intense focus and belief, some individuals believe they can shift their consciousness to that alternate reality and experience it as if it were real.

What is manisfestation:

Manifestation is the process of bringing your desires or goals into reality through focused intention, belief, and action. It involves aligning your thoughts, emotions, and energy with what you want to attract, and taking inspired steps towards achieving it. By visualizing and affirming your desired outcome, maintaining a positive mindset, and taking deliberate actions that support your goals, you create a powerful magnet for the manifestation of your desires. In essence, manifestation is about consciously creating the life you want by harnessing the power of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

What is the law of attraction?

The law of attraction is a belief that states that like attracts like, meaning that the energy and vibrations you emit through your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs attract corresponding experiences and circumstances into your life. By focusing on positive thoughts, visualizing what you desire, and cultivating a belief that it is already on its way to you, you can attract those desired outcomes. It suggests that your thoughts and emotions act as a powerful magnet, drawing in experiences and opportunities that align with your dominant mindset. In simple terms, the law of attraction teaches that you can manifest your desires by thinking positively and aligning your energy with what you want to attract.

What is the law of assumption?

The law of assumption is a concept based on the idea that assuming something to be true can create a corresponding reality. It suggests that if you consistently and wholeheartedly believe in a specific outcome or identity, you can manifest it in your life. By taking on the assumption that what you desire is already true or that you possess certain qualities or abilities, you align your thoughts and emotions with that desired state. This, in turn, influences your actions and attracts circumstances that support the fulfillment of your assumption. Essentially, the law of assumption emphasizes the power of your beliefs and the impact they can have on shaping your reality.

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