Published On Oct 22, 2024
This is a Pokemon Escape Room, where my only goal is to leave. To do that, I need to solve various intricate puzzles related to Pokemon battling. SmallAnt sent this to me to see how long it would take -- and it floored me how insane these problems were to solve
Check SmallAnt out here, the creator of this escape room: / @smallant
▶UNEDITED STREAM FOOTAGE HERE: • SmallAnt Challenged me to the Hardest...
▶TWITCH: / pointcrow
▶VOD Channel: / pointcrowvods
▶Twitter: / pointcrow
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▶Instagram: / pointcrow
Artwork/Emotes by Lycel, SSSucrose, AbbyBagel
Editted by:
/ verytiredkat
/ ybsime
#pointcrow #pokemon #gaming