How The Russian Warlord Is Ruining Chimaev’s UFC Career
Mark Fighting Mark Fighting
34.2K subscribers

 Published On May 5, 2024

There are many speculations as to why Khamzat Chimaev isn't as active in the UFC anymore and why he hasn't been able to enter the US for over two years now. Rumors suggest it's because of his connections with Russian warlord Ramzan Kadyrov. - But how deep does their relationship actually go?

The part that was cut out from UFC 229 press conference at 8:59 due to copyright:    • [FULL] Conor McGregor vs Khabib Nurma...   16:17 - 16:41

0:00 - Intro
0:56 - Chimaev's breakthrough on the UFC scene
2:56 - 17-second KO of Gerald Meerschaert
4:33 - Kadyrov gets involved in Chimaev's MMA career
6:11 - Who is Ramzan Kadyrov and how is he involved in MMA and the UFC?
7:58 - UFC fighters' connections to Russian billionaires
9:57 - Kadyrov threatening a 15-year-old boy on IG live
10:54 - Kadyrov's favourite fighter Abdul-Kerim Edilov gone missing
11:34 - Kadyrov's beef with Fedor Emilianenko
12:34 - Why Kadyrov may be the reason we don't see Chimaev fight all that often
13:46 - The reason we only see Chimaev fight in the Middle East

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