Episode 114. How lies become truth

 Published On Dec 7, 2023

Full Episode: https://radicallygenuinepodcast.trans...
Radically Genuine Podcast Website: https://www.drmcfillin.com/
Dr. McFillin Substack: https://drmcfillin.substack.com/p/can...

In this thought-provoking video, join Dr. Roger McFillin as he explores a study led by Lisa Fazio of Vanderbilt University, investigating the illusion of truth effect and its interaction with prior knowledge. Discover how repetition can sway judgments of plausibility, even for known facts. The discussion then transitions into the concerning implications for the medical field, shedding light on the flaws in published medical literature and the challenges healthcare professionals face in evaluating evidence.

Dr. McFillin emphasizes the consequences of blindly accepting information, drawing attention to the potential dangers associated with widely prescribed antidepressants. Through a series of alarming FDA updates and international warnings, Dr. McFillin questions the connection of psychiatric drugs in the rise of mass shootings, urging society to critically evaluate these issues.

The video encourages viewers to question collective truths and emphasizes the importance of informed decision-making in medical and mental health contexts. It's time to challenge assumptions, foster critical thinking, and advocate for a more transparent and accountable healthcare system.

Additional Sources
Repetition Increases Perceived Truth Even For Known Falsehoods: https://online.ucpress.edu/collabra/a...

How to survive the medical misinformation mess:

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