Sexual Performance Anxiety w/ Katie Ziskind, Sex Specialist and Intimacy Therapist

 Published On Jan 22, 2024

Katie Ziskind, relationship coach, and sex and intimacy specialist, opens the discussion regarding sexual performance anxiety. Sexual performance anxiety is a common concern that many men experience at some point in their lives.
Sexual performance anxiety can lead to relationship distress, distance, sexual avoidance, and sexual rejection. You can learn about how your sexual performance anxiety and persistent fear or worry about your sexual performance, leads to stress, tension, and a negative impact on overall sexual well-being.
Here are some key aspects to understand about sexual performance anxiety in men:
Causes and Triggers: Sexual performance anxiety can be triggered by various factors, including fear of not satisfying a partner, concerns about body image, past negative sexual experiences, relationship issues, or societal pressures. It often results from the perception of sex as a performance rather than a shared, intimate experience.
Physical and Psychological Impact: The anxiety can manifest physically through symptoms like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or difficulty reaching orgasm.
Psychologically, men may experience feelings of inadequacy, shame, or fear of rejection, further exacerbating the anxiety.
Cyclical Nature: Sexual performance anxiety can become a self-perpetuating cycle. The fear of underperforming can lead to heightened anxiety, which, in turn, can contribute to difficulties in achieving or maintaining an erection. This cycle can create a negative feedback loop, intensifying the anxiety over time.
Communication Challenges: Men experiencing sexual performance anxiety may find it challenging to communicate openly with their partners about their concerns. This lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings and further strain the relationship.
Social and Cultural Influences: Societal expectations and cultural influences often contribute to the pressure men feel to perform sexually. Unrealistic portrayals of sex in media, coupled with societal norms, can create an environment where performance anxiety thrives.
Pressure to Perform: The pressure to perform can be overwhelming, leading to anxiety about meeting expectations, particularly in a culture that often values sexual prowess as a measure of masculinity.
Strategies for Coping: Coping with sexual performance anxiety involves addressing both the physical and psychological aspects. Techniques such as mindfulness, deep breathing, and relaxation exercises can help manage anxiety. Seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, can provide valuable insights and coping strategies.
Couple's Approach: In many cases, involving the partner in the process can be beneficial. Open communication, mutual support, and shared efforts to reduce pressure can create a more positive and understanding sexual environment.
Professional Assistance: If sexual performance anxiety persists and significantly affects one's well-being, seeking the assistance of a healthcare professional, such as a sex therapist or counselor, can be beneficial. They can offer guidance, support, and specific strategies to address performance anxiety.
Holistic Well-being: Recognizing that sexual performance is just one aspect of overall well-being is crucial. Focusing on physical health, emotional connection, and communication within the relationship contributes to a more holistic approach to sexual satisfaction. It's essential for men experiencing sexual performance anxiety to understand that they are not alone, and seeking support is a proactive step toward finding solutions and improving overall sexual well-being.
Book your phone consult to work with Katie Ziskind, relationship coach and sex and intimacy specialist at

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