One Spouse Dies: What Happens To a Joint Revocable Living Trust

 Published On Aug 6, 2022

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In this video, I explain what typically happens when a married couple establishes their avoid probate RLT and one spouse dies. Well, the first thing to do when one Settlor/Grantor dies, is to look to the precise terms of the trust. Neither me nor anyone else can tell you what is supposed to happen when one spouse dies without reviewing the specific trust instrument terms.

0:00 Joint Living Trust: First Spouse Dies
0:16 Review Trust Instrument
0:40 Example: Travis and Emily
1:15 Travis Dies With A $2M Trust
1:51 Split Into Two Trusts
3:00 The Survivor's Trust
3:35 The Deceased Spouse's Trust
5:51 Address What Happens On First Death

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