End Homework Battles Forever! Parenting Series Pt 1 | Daniel Amen & Tana Amen
Dr. Daniel Amen Dr. Daniel Amen
48.6K subscribers

 Published On Mar 5, 2015

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-- Summary --

End Homework Battles Forever

Do you feel like your kids don’t listen to you?

Is communicating with them more frustrating than effective?

Don’t worry! There is hope and there is help!

First, you have to recognize that your kids don’t do what you say, they do what you do.

So how do you know what you should do?

It all starts with your brain.

In this week’s video, clinical neuroscientist, board certified psychiatrist, New York Times bestselling author and founder of the Amen Clinics, Dr. Daniel Amen and his wife Tana Amen, talk about parenting strategies for raising brain healthy kids. They share personal parenting struggles and triumphs and offer practical tips you can start using with your children immediately.

Brain healthy parents raise brain healthy kids.

Here are a few tips and tricks covered in the video:

1. Engage your frontal lobe
The frontal lobe of your brain is responsible for planning, forethought and judgment. Therefore, you must consciously decide what kind of parent you want to be and what kind of child you want to raise. Then, can you make a clear plan on how to reach those goals.

2. Be a coach.
Clearly communicate to your children the consequences of their actions. Then, let go. Let your children face the natural consequences of their choices. Don’t rescue them! Instead, be ready to listen and guide them. In the video, Tana shares how she used this technique to end homework battles in her house forever!

3. Raise a Rhode Scholar
In a study that looked into characteristics of Rhode Scholars, only two commonalities surfaced among those studied. The best part –you can easily do these two simple things that have tremendous influence on your children’s success, tonight! Watch the video to learn what they are.
In his book, New Skills for Frazzled Parents, Dr. Amen writes, “Parents are generally the most important people in a child’s life. Unfortunately, parents can often underestimate their own influence in raising children and teenagers. Their busy lives often prevent them from focusing their energy on raising healthy kids. It’s critical that parents take back their role of being their child’s primary teacher and use their power in a way that positively directs a child’s life.” (Amen, 2000)

You can be the kind of parent you want to be and you can raise brain healthy kids!
Amen Clinics has helped thousands of parents and children from all over the world. There is hope! Contact us [http://www.amenclinics.com/locations/] today if you feel your child could benefit from an evaluation at one of our six clinics.

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