[Vigor] MAP17: Angst (UV-Max Demo)
Yrriban Yrriban
101 subscribers

 Published On Mar 28, 2024

moving right along. this map has some real episode 3 of scythe vibes. i guess now's the time and this wad is definitely influenced by it so it makes sense. in terms of combat we're blessedly free of evil marines this time around, although there's a pretty tight health budget. after picking off some of the early hitscanners we rush through and get the rocket launcher, letting enemies follow and handling them from there. the annoying thing here is that the secret nearby has the BFG, but it also has a decent chunk of health, and after getting visited once it's not possible to return. so before dying we duck in and grab the berserk and the supercharge. we eventually get access to the indoor area which has the map's toughest fight - a pincer attack of a cyberdemon and revenants in a small room. i do mostly okay and then get smacked by a couple revenant missiles i thought were going to hit a wall after everything was already dead. but that's not a problem, i just have to deal with two archviles and a handful of cacos and revenants without taking any damage. easy!

get the demo: https://s3.yrriban.net/doom/vigor_map...
source port used: dsda-doom 0.27.5
sound font used: arachno.sf2
flags: -complevel 2

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