CGI 3D Animated Short Film: "Heaven & Earth" by Jonas Leonard
Jonas Steinacker Jonas Steinacker
18.1K subscribers

 Published On Jun 9, 2017

"Heaven & Earth" is a short film I made during the last two years. I spend an incredible amount of work on it and am so happy and proud that I can finally share it with you. Thank you so much for your support - All the best, Jonas


MAKING OF:    • Heaven & Earth - MAKING OF  


Special thanks to Axl Rosenberg and AZEDIA for allowing me to use their music:

Axl Rosenberg:    / diab0luz  
AZEDIA:    / azediamusic  


Also check NOVAHs channel out, I don't think I could have made this film without him!
   / novahmedia  

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Copyright © Jonas Leonard 2016
All rights reserved.

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